048 - Sudu Rosa Malak - Hr Jothipala
047 - Sugatha Lona Sambuddha Raja - Hr Jothipala
046 - Sumana Saman Surindun - Hr Jothipala
045 - Suneela Dase Pawa - Hr Jothipala
044 - Sunila Wala - Hr Jothipala
043 - Supem Kathandare - Hr Jothipala
042 - Sura Bee Math Veela - Hr Jothipala
041 - Susudu Ralla Walle Perali - Hr Jothipala
040 - Susume Kandule - Hr Jothipala
039 - Taj Mahalak - Hr Jothipala
038 - Thanaka Rahase Awe - Hr Jothipala
037 - Thaniye Aa Ware - Hr Jothipala
036 - Tharu Muthu Mal Melawe - Hr Jothipala
035 - Tharu Payana Raye Tharinda - Hr Jothipala
034 - Tharuna Neth Jaya Mangale - Hr Jothipala
033 - Thilakavi Mage Prema Lowe - Hr Jothipala
032 - Thun Lo Budun Weni Amma - Hr Jothipala
031 - Tika Wenna Wenna Nana Thote - Hr Jothipala
030 - Uda Vee Dile Sooryaya - Hr Jothipala
029 - Ukule Kale Thiya - Hr Jothipala
028 - Umayanganiyo Sura Lalaniyo - Hr Jothipala
027 - Updinna Aye Atha Ganna Mage - Hr Jothipala
026 - Usi Usi None - Hr Jothipala
025 - Wada Wasana Sri Pade - Hr Jothipala
024 - Wala Viyane Tharu Sewane - Hr Jothipala
023 - Wana Malata Asawe - Hr Jothipala
022 - Wasanawa Dora Arala Balanawa - Hr Jothipala
021 - Wasanawa Padevi - Hr Jothipala
020 - Wasanawe Surangana - Hr Jothipala
019 - Waya Weena Jeewanaye - Hr Jothipala
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