125 - Priya Dehini Jeewana Maga - Hr Jothipala
126 - Preme Mage Ahare - Hr Jothipala
127 - Preme Deepashika - Hr Jothipala
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130 - Pipi Mal Vila Men - Hr Jothipala
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132 - Piliganna Mama Channa Amathi Wemi - Hr Jothipala
133 - Piliganna Epa Lowa Genu Katha - Hr Jothipala
134 - Perada Ekevee Gee Gayamin - Hr Jothipala
135 - Pera Jathi Jathi Ma - Hr Jothipala
136 - Pera Dineka Eda - Hr Jothipala
137 - Pera Agei Magei Kathandare - Hr Jothipala
138 - Peni Wehena Katha - Hr Jothipala
139 - Pemwathunta Sarane - Hr Jothipala
140 - Pem Suwanda Dani (Samanthika) - Hr Jothipala
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142 - Pem Kanda Oba (Apsara) - Hr Jothipala
143 - Payana Dedunu - Hr Jothipala
144 - Payala Hiru Payala Sandu - Hr Jothipala
145 - Paya Nil Wala Theere - Hr Jothipala
146 - Paya Dileda Chandra - Hr Jothipala
147 - Paya Ai Hinehenne - Hr Jothipala
148 - Pawee Paluwe - Hr Jothipala
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